GSI Exim

Achieving Operational Excellence and Cost Efficiency Through Cloud-Based ERP Migration

Company Information

Business Type: Export, Import, Distribution

Industry: Fabrics, Apparel, EDM Components, Engineering Plastics, Cosmetic Raw Materials, Scientific Instruments, Semiconductor Devices, Industrial Machinery

Location: New York, NY

Number of Users: 24

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Company Description

GSI Creos Corporation (subsidiary of GSI Holding Corporation) headquartered in Tokyo, Japan, is a leading trading firm specializing in a diverse range of products, including yarn, apparel, machinery, chemical products, and scientific instruments. The company, formerly known as Gunze Sangyo, Inc., rebranded as GSI Creos in 2001. The acronym GSI stands for Global Sophisticated Intelligence, reflecting the company’s commitment to delivering cutting-edge, professional, and innovative solutions to the global marketplace. 

Project Overview

GSI had utilized Dynamics GP as its core ERP system since 2007, with Calsoft Systems providing support for GSI’s business operations using GP since 2010. As mainstream support for GP came to an end, GSI began exploring options for an ERP upgrade to better support its evolving business needs. Calsoft proposed a migration to Business Central (BC) highlighting its ability to not only support GSI’s current operations but also offer a scalable solution that could grow with the company. After evaluating the proposed solution, GSI selected Calsoft as the primary implementation partner to transition from GP to Business Central, ensuring a robust and future-ready ERP system.


  • Outdated ERP System: Dynamics GP no longer received mainstream support, leading to increasing difficulties in maintaining and updating the system to meet current business needs.
  • Remote Work Adaptation: The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic necessitated a shift to remote work. The on-premise GP system was not designed for easy remote access, making it challenging for employees to perform their duties efficiently from home.
  • High Operational Costs: Maintaining the GP system involved significant costs, including annual enhancement fees and hosting server expenses. GSI needed a more cost-effective solution that could reduce these expenses.
  • Advanced Reporting Needs: GSI required more sophisticated reporting capabilities than those available in GP. Implementing Advanced Dimension Management in the new system was critical to meet these advanced reporting needs.
  • Scalability and Future Growth: The existing GP system lacked scalability and the functionality required to support GSI’s growth and evolving business operations. The new system needed to be flexible and scalable to accommodate future business expansions and introduce functionalities that were not available in GP.

Client Testimonial

The project manager grasped our business structure and requirements. Leveraging their understanding of GP, they executed the implementation process, facilitating a seamless transition from GP to BC.

Yuta Iwai

Secretery and Treasurer, GSI

“ Better remote access and ease of use. I don’t need to fire up the VPN connection and then log into the GP system. I noticed BC is using cloud ERP technology, it achieves the same level the data security as what VPN does and at the same time, I don’t need to worry about the possible loss of VPN connection and the internet speed congestion that VPN might cause. It is easy to integrate our accounting data, making financial tracking a breeze 

Cindy Ren

Accounting Specialist, GSI

BC is very intelligent, fast, and detail-oriented and has some personalities that I would love to challenge. He has no secrets because of the visuality of the data. He is a hero because he saves a lot of trees by providing a paperless work environment. He deserves a gold medal for the Olympic accounting software contest. Accounting is not boring any more with BC. I love it.  

Vivian Wang

Assistant Treasurer, GSI


Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central


  • Replacing Dynamics GP with Dynamics 365 Business Central ensured an appropriate system setup tailored for GSI’s specific operational needs, optimizing overall business processes and efficiency.
  • Migrating to a cloud-based ERP system allowed users to access the system from anywhere, accommodating the Work-from-Home model necessitated by the COVID-19 pandemic. This transition provided flexibility and ensured business continuity.
  • By utilizing a cloud-based ERP within the Microsoft 365 ecosystem, GSI significantly reduced system-running costs. The new subscription model included license and cloud usage fees, offering a more cost-effective solution compared to the previous on-premises system.
  • Implementing Advanced Dimension Management in Business Central enabled GSI to manage complex reporting needs effectively. This enhanced reporting functionality provided deeper insights and better data-driven decision-making.
  • Introducing a scalable system with Business Central prepared GSI for future growth. The new system included functionalities that were not available in GP, ensuring that GSI could meet evolving business requirements and expand operations seamlessly.

Results Achieved

Building a robust business management foundation to drive and support future growth, GSI Exim America, Inc. has successfully enhanced visibility and improved user experience through the implementation of Dynamics 365 Business Central.

  • Enhanced Visibility and User-Friendly Interface: Business Central is designed with a user-friendly interface, ensuring first-time users can easily navigate the system. Real-time data saving and updates ensure all users have continuous access to the latest information.

  • Cloud-Based ERP System: Transitioning from GP to Business Central eliminated the need for physical servers, enabling smooth and secure access to the ERP system, even in a remote work environment.

  • Seamless Integration with Microsoft 365: The integration with Microsoft 365 brought significant benefits, including compatibility with Microsoft email for direct sending from Business Central. Additionally, reports can be effortlessly exported to Word or Excel.

  • Improved Document Management: Business Central enhances document management by linking documents to specific transactions, simplifying document searches and improving overall efficiency.

Why They Chose Calsoft

Proven Support and Expertise: Calsoft had over a decade of experience supporting GP, providing timely, user-oriented support. Calsoft’s deep understanding of GSI’s business operations, system configurations, and customizations made them the ideal partner for transitioning to a new system.

Expertise in Migration: As experts in both GP and Business Central, Calsoft provided detailed explanations on how GP functions would work post-migration to Business Central. This reassured the GSI team and boosted their confidence in the transition process.

Cost Clarity: Transitioning from an on-premises GP solution to a subscription-based cloud model changed the cost structure. Previously, GSI had to pay annual enhancement fees on the license as well as hosting server fee. Calsoft created a 5-year cost comparison chart, clearly illustrating potential cost savings. This transparency helped secure internal approval from GSI’s management team and headquarters in Japan.


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