Category Archives: BI360

Business intelligence (BI) is a service that enables you to gather data, visualize data, and share information with people in your organization across multiple devices.

In Office 365 Enterprise, you have BI capabilities available in Excel and SharePoint Online.

Common Business Intelligence Terms

business intelligence BI

Business Intelligence, also known as BI for short, combines business analytics, data mining, data visualization, data tools and infrastructures to help organizations make strategic decisions. You hear the buzz all around. It sounds like all of your competitors have been doing BI for ages and you’re feeling a little anxious that you might be left behind. […]

Helpful BI Tools for Dynamics 365 Data Analysis

business intelligence

Many companies enjoy the efficiencies that ERP brings to the business after it is implemented. Through unified inventory database, users can manage and share transaction records that have otherwise been managed within different departments in the past. By sharing company-wide information, inefficiencies such as double entry of data are reduced, if not eliminated. While such […]

Why BI360 May Be The Best Budgeting And Planning Software

Are you looking for a budgeting and planning tool with the flexibility of Excel but the automation of an enterprise application? Do you tell yourself there’s got to be a budgeting tool like Excel but has more powerful workflow and controls? Well you’re right! Take BI360 as an example. It offers all of the benefits […]